May 11Liked by Switter’s World

Love love your written humor Mr Switter. Took reading several peices to catch onto it. Thanks for sharing it, among other things

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Oops. It wasn’t supposed to be funny. It’s my real life!

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May 11Liked by Switter’s World

I'm certain there are Yugos available somewhere. And thank you for reminding me, once again, of Monty Python's catapulted cattle...

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May 11·edited May 11Author

I was at Union Station in Washington D.C. once and found it was filled with old Yugos turned into works of art. I found a video on YouTube that shows what one can do with an old Yugo and some creativity, but first, some Yugo jokes.

What are the wires on the back window used for on a Yugo? To warm the hands of the guys pushing it.

What is a four door Yugo called? A Wego.


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May 15Liked by Switter’s World

Maybe miss our house with that launch.🥹?

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I'll sure try!

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OK, is this a guy thing? The first thing I thought was if you fling something like that, you better be darn sure you know where it’s gonna land. Like that could kill people. But I witness boys and men at the lake that always have to pick up rocks and throw them. I rarely see women or girls needing to do this.

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But the beautiful about America is that women could build a trebuchet if they want to!

Also, we would keep people back far enough so that they won’t get stuck with a splinter of ivory. Maybe I should add a few line items to my proposal budget for flak jackets, shatterproof goggles, and a used ambulance.

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Besides, women tend to be sensible about certain things.

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May 12Liked by Switter’s World


The above is a link to news stories about the new Apple IPad Pro and it's crushing of musical instruments ( or is Apple crushing reality? ). The ad is easy enough to find.

Leave those pianos alone ! :)

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I saw the ad. Apparently they are getting a lot of grief about destroying cultural icons.

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May 12Liked by Switter’s World

O! My! God! that was beyond hilarious! And thankyouthankyouthankyou for finishing it with the video of the Top Gear guys. I love them and so glad to see they're sill raising He ..... Britain's television ratings with quality documentaries.

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They are an inspiration to our young people as they innovate, explore, and always seek knowledge.

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May 11Liked by Switter’s World

This is far less exhilarating, and more expensive (assuming the trebuchet landings don't take out people or buildings), but here's another idea for how to make use of an old chordophone -- the work of my husband's business.


Thanks for the smiles!

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We live so far out in the country that we need our own tomcat.

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May 11Liked by Switter’s World

You should do a daily post of Yugo jokes. Seriously.

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If they didn’t laugh about life in the Eastern Blok, all they had left were tears.

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May 11Liked by Switter’s World

That Northern Exposure episode was great! I still reference it after 2+ decades! 😆

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And here I thought I was the only one who had such an original idea. As I think about it, it probably should be done again from time to time for the same reasons great symphonies are regularly performed.

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The Apple ad

" Crush that piano, et al "

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